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TikTok Top Moments 0xe8e1b3125372e4912773357691aeb7c305584751
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28.06% Listed
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Sold — Was listed and sold on IMX    Listed — Available for purchase    Not listed on IMX — Not listed on Immutable X
Rent Free
We are constantly consuming videos, photos, comments, and likes. There are times where you inevitably see media that cannot be forgotten. "Rent Free" features a silhouette of Gary V with a thought bubble containing all TikTok handles who commented on the viral Jess Marciante clip about videos that live in your head rent-free. Additionally, Gary's face is composed of the VeeFriends ERC-721 smart contract address on the Ethereum blockchain
Token properties
0.66 Eth$2,546
Sold for 0.66 Eth
24 Nov 2021
Sold for 0.4939 Eth
02 Nov 2021