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Avalon The Game 0x9b804bce8e23552e021973ed2d8df2aa8e1ad56c
Avalon is the world's first multichain online multiplayer role-playing game (MMORPG) built on the Unreal Engine 5 and integrated with the Polygon, WAX, IMX and Binance blockchains. Set in a fantasy medieval kingdom, players utilize their NFTs to explore a world of danger and mystery while competing for cryptocurrency and rare NFT rewards. The game is built around both active play-to-earn and passive own-to-earn economies. Inspired by the legend of King Arthur and an alternate history of the Knights Templar, this game challenges every player to undertake a thrilling adventure in their quest to ultimately claim their very own seat among the Knights of the Round Table. Along the way, players earn rewards (i.e., NFTs, $AVL tokens) by purchasing, renting, or securing resources, as well as collaborating with NFT landowners to acquire and build in-game real estate. For more information, visit:
Tokens minted
0% Listed
Total IMX sales
Tokens IMX sold
Total USD volume
24h USD volume
Current floor
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Sold — Was listed and sold on IMX    Listed — Available for purchase    Not listed on IMX — Not listed on Immutable X
Activation Date 2
Expiration Date 2
Avalon Large Stable
The stable NFT deed grants ownership of a stable building with an attached plot of land and an optional single-story VR interior. Stable owners will be the only players who can breed and/or crossbreed horses and other livestock. However, the breeding ability will be introduced in later stages of the game. Stables give owners the ability to tame wild horses, upgrade horses, and subsequently sell them to all the kingdom citizens who would like to travel faster than walking. Stable owners can also trade, buy, and resell other players' horses. Stable owners are required to buy feed from mills and gear from forges. Stables have 20% daily chance for Horse NFT drop, with maximum of 6 NFT horses per month.
Token properties
Not listed on IMX
Activation Date
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