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MetaOps Battle Pass 0xd5517e37a62e453a3a6144da8f63c3c563d4fc51
This is a collection of 2,000 MetaOps Beta Battle passes! These battle passes come with unique rarity - Every battle pass holder gets early access to our first person shooter MetaOps as well as a whitelist spot on all future NFT drops as long as they hold the pass. Everyone has the option to cash in their beta pass for a certain mystery box/special incentive as listed below - 1/1 Platinum edition battle pass which grants you the option to cash it in and BURN it for a 1/1 custom character skin designed by the user. 1/10 Gold edition battle pass. Grants you the option to cash it in and burn it for a 1/10 weapon skin provided by us through a special 1/10 legendary mystery box. 1/50 bronze battle pass giving you the option burn it for a special legendary 1/50 mystery box. 1/1,939 are common battle passes giving you the option to cash it in for a 1/1939 legendary mystery box only available to beta pass holders!
Tokens minted
4.75% Listed
Total IMX sales
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24h USD volume
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Sold — Was listed and sold on IMX    Listed — Available for purchase    Not listed on IMX — Not listed on Immutable X
Rarity 4
MOBP #303
2,000 Beta Passes Every battle pass holder gets a whitelist spot on all future NFT drops as long as they hold the pass. Everyone has the option to cash in their beta pass for a certain mystery box/special incentive as listed below - 1/2000 chance to get a 1/1 Platinum edition battle pass which grants you the option to cash it in and BURN it for a 1/1 custom character skin designed by the user. 1/200 chance to get a special 1/10 Gold edition battle pass. Grants you the option to cash it in and burn it for a 1/10 weapon skin provided by us through a special 1/10 legendary mystery box. 1/40 chance to get a special edition 1/50 bronze battle pass giving you the option burn it for a special legendary 1/50 mystery box. The rest of the 1,939 are common battle passes giving you the option to cash it in for a 1/1939 legendary mystery box.
Token properties
Not listed on IMX